Creating Solutions For A Better Tomorrow

A Continuous Dedication To Progress

The Nation’s Premier Hub for Black Conservatives



Learn About Our Core Values


Driving Our Organization


How We Can Help You


Defining Conservatism

 Why Our Fight Is So Important

  • The number one catalyst for future success has always been a traditional family structure. The single parent household rate among Black families is upwards of 60%, compared to ~24% for White families and ~15% for Asian families. This is a direct result of Democrat programs and policies designed to remove Black Fathers out of the home. We fight to change this and promote the importance of fathers in the home and strong family units.

  • Did you know that only 12% of Black males are proficient in reading by the 8th grade? By the 12th grade, that number decreases to 6%. Only 1% of Black males are considered to be at the advanced proficiency level by the time they finish high school. We fight to combat this and ensure that school systems across the country do not leave our youth behind.

  • The top 10 U.S. cities with the highest crime rates have all been run by Democrat leadership for decades, upwards of 60 years in some cases. Not only that, but the crime in each of these cities disproportionately impacts the Black community. The Democrats have failed to protect our friends, families, and neighbors. We fight to combat that and ensure safety for our communities through common sense solutions.

The Black Conservative Federation

We are a national network of GOP activists seeking to expand the Black conservative movement through a multi-pronged approach that addresses the disparities and apathy found in politically marginalized communities. Our integrity lies in disagreeing without being disagreeable, engaging without enraging, and demystifying conservatism in all communities. 

“I Never Intend To Belong To Any Other Party Than The Party Of Freedom & Progress”

— Frederick Douglass